Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sometimes, I don't even make sense to myself...

I was thinking about Hannah recently--okay, truthfully, not a day goes by that I DON'T think of her--and what a weird juxtaposition this journey has been. Several times over the past year, it's felt like certain chapters of my life were coming to a close, or about to come to a close, and it's made me a bit reminscent....and totally panicky, because I have no idea what God is going to do with David and I, next. All I know is that it will be fact, it will be AWESOME...and that this year, 2010, is the year for letting things go. I've felt like this year is the year to sort things out, get rid of things, do some housecleaning, get organized, and get ready. I have no idea what's around the bend, but I know I have a lot to do before 12/31/10, and I'm way behind. I've been trying to get my priorities in order, and it hasn't been easy. I've been made aware of, oh, let's just call them "character flaws" that are indicative of my own selfish nature; of certain "personality traits" that are just not okay; and of particular "habits" that need to be broken/demolished/destroyed/vaporized.

I have a tendency to pull people into my vortex.

You know what a "vortex" is? It's a spinning tornado of crap that rages around a person, who then spreads it to another person, sucking them in and stealing their joy. A great example of a vortex is this: I have a crappy day. David, who is wonderful and smiley, comes home from his crappy day, smiling anyways, because he has joy and is a joyful person. I don't want to hear about his joy; rather, I spew my crappy day onto my smiley husband, which makes him frown, and now, he's in a bad mood because HE IS IN MY VORTEX. (If the word "crap" offends you, I apologize. Think of the alternative. Now, appreciate the substitute.) Because sucking David into my vortex isn't enough for me, I also call Karen, Billie, Mom, and God-only-knows-who-else, and suck them into my vortex as well, thus putting them in a bad mood, and POOF! They've now shared my vortex with their families. It's contagious.

I also realized that my vortex doesn't just involve a bad day; it can involve a sad day, too. The loss of my daughter has been a subject I've been really open about, to a fault. Not everyone needs to hear my story, not everyone needs to know my business, and for a time, I thought they did. Moving to Kentucky was great, because it put me in a new place, where I didn't feel like I had to talk about it all of the time, and I could be "normal," whatever that means. Not everyone knew, or needed to know, and I've carried that back to St. Louis with me. A lot of people know Hannah passed away; most people don't know the whole story, and that's fine. The big issue I've had, is that on the days where I've struggled the most, I've been really open about it, and have unintentionally sucked people into my vortex of grief, which I feel really bad about.

I don't want people to feel sorry for me, and I don't need people to say "Aww, you poor thing," like I'm some kind of permanently broken person. I want to be able to say, "Yes, this makes me sad. Mother's Day makes me sad (although thanks to some key people last year, and some major breakthroughs, I think my panic at that day is done, and that I'll be able to celebrate it next year--praise God!), October 30 makes me sad, etc," but not feel like I'm Debbie Downer.

There are things to look back and celebrate, even through the darkest days of my life. There are things I look back at and laugh over, that just this year, am able to say were actually funny, that happened as Hannah was dying. (I feel like as I type that, that a collective gasp just rang out. Hey, God gave me a sense of humor. Getting it back has been a major ordeal, and now that it's here, putting that perspective on certain things is a good thing. If you want to know what in the world could possibly be funny during a time like that, ask me some time).

I feel like there is some kind of cloak of sadness that settles over me and whomever I'm speaking with, when Hannah comes up, that is almost suffocating, and I'd like the world to know that it's not that way. I don't like the thought that I'm sucking someone into a vortex of grief whenever I bring Hannah up in a conversation...and yes, I have the right to talk about her. She is a permanent part of my pregnancy is a permanent part of my life, her birth is a permanent part of my life, my NICU/PICU experiences are a permanent memory in my life, and yes, we can talk about it as candidly as you want to talk about it--it's okay. And yes, you can talk to me about heartburn, weird kicking in the middle of the night, morning sickness, stretch marks, C-sections, and everything that goes with having a baby, because it happened to me, and I'm cool with it.

But maybe this is all in my head.

Anyways, I say all of that, because I started to write this poem today, and halfway through, it completely shifted and turned into something else. I have no idea why. It came outa visit to Worldview Church, when David and I visited a few weeks ago. For some reason, I felt the Holy Spirit say to me, "You know, there doesn't have to be a 'vortex of October' if you don't want there to be." The arrival of October (and autumn) has felt like such a kick in the gut to me--seeing October 1 on the calendar has sent me into a spiral, in the past, and I was convinced that this year would simply be a repeat of last year (which felt disasterous). God said that to me--that if I wanted, He could mend that panic, and that I could choose to not jump into the vortex of sadness that always accompanied October. So I said okay.

Granted, October's not here yet...but even with it approaching, I feel a different perspective about it this year, than any other year since Hannah passed away. It doesn't hold the same fear, the same "there's a monster at the end of this book" feeling that it's always had. I'm actually looking forward to it, which sounds a little crazy to me. I want to celebrate Hannah by treating October just like I treat January or March...It's a beautiful month, with beautiful weather, and it's all in celebration of the God Who made our seasons...of a God Who decided there is a time to live, and a time to die; a time to mourn, and a time to laugh.

October is my time to I type that, I remember that when Hannah was first taken out of my womb, I laughed (fitting, for someone named "Sarah," I suppose--it's my middle name). It's my time to laugh, and in laughing, I close the chapter on the darkest days of grieving of my life. It doesn't mean that I don't miss her, or that I'm "over it;" it simply means that I'm through with it. This poem may not make a lot of sense, (since when did I make sense?), but it's where I am. It's where I choose to be.

It's where I choose to stop the vortex, and let joy take over.

“Beautiful Girl”

C. S. Cooley

September 16, 2010

Beautiful girl…

It’s that time of year

That takes my breath


Beautiful girl…

It’s that time of year

I can feel the days pass by

Like a clock ticking


Beautiful girl…

Not a day goes by

Where I don’t see your face

Behind my smile

Tears don’t always

Have to fall

For a heart

To cry…

Beautiful girl…

It’s that time of year

When I close my eyes

And breathe…

Beautiful girl…

It’s that time of year

When I lean on Him

To be strong

Beautiful girl…

Not a day goes by

Where I don’t see your face

In my mind…

Tears don’t always

Have to fall

For a heart

To cry…

Beautiful girl…

Time goes on

And the time has come

For me to say

That it’s all right…

Beautiful girl…

Let the beauty for ashes

Give strength through the mourning

For morning



Beautiful girl…

This is the time

To ponder in my heart

The journey He has me on…

Tears don’t always

Have to fall

For a heart

To cry…

Beautiful girl…

It’s that time of year

Where I celebrate

All I have to be

Thankful for

And you,

My beautiful girl

Are on my heart…

Though at times,

These tears will fall

At all times,

He holds my heart

And He knows…

Who am I,

To pull others into

My vortex of grieving,

When the days of

Grieving are


When the time for

Celebration is


Who am I,

To let myself get

Pulled into the

Things I see others doing

And consider it

Fine for me

When it’s not?

Who am I,

To indulge myself

In depression,

In sadness,

In letting these


Drag me down

Into depths

Where no Light

Can possibly


There is sadness

Lighter than


There is sorrow

That doesn’t




No one needs that kind of


No one needs that kind of

“Aww, you poor baby,

Just cry a little longer,

We’ll pray for you,

Jesus, we’ll pray for her….”

At this stage of the game….

Put on your armor,

Suck it up,

Go out into the world

Keep your chin up,

Your smile bright,

Throw your head back

And laugh,

Because if this is the worst that it gets,

Guess what?

I’ve pulled through…

I’ve been

Scarred up, Beat up,

Thought that I’d never see


Put up, or shut up,

What kind of faith do you have?

Mine is

Quite small…

But my God



And the time


Weeping that lasts through the night?


It’s 9 am,

And joy has


In this morning---

Raise up a shout,

For I am not like

The others who carry

Their grieving around

Like a blanket made

Of lead…

I had my time.

Now I’m done.

My heart still hurts—

And maybe today,

I’m feeling much stronger than

I will

6 weeks from now.

Remind me.

Remind me.

Remind me.

Don’t let me





My heart still hurts,

But my heart is


And I have run miles

I have run marathons in faith

In A God

That has moved

My mountains,

So it’s not “all right”

Don’t let me




He loves me beyond

My tears…

And she






We choose our vortex…

Who am I,

To pull someone into mine?

Who am I,

To be in one,

In the first place?

The vortex of












At the




(Because that is what He promised me!)

Beautiful girl…

This is the time of year

Where I stop

And thank God

For the journey

He’s brought me


And for the


He’s taking me


Beautiful girl…

This is the time of year

Where I stop


Celebrate you

With a life



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