Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Dreams, Determination, Defiance...

I've been praying for the past year that I would start to dream again, like I used to...I've had a lot of physical/medication changes over the past 2 years that have really impacted my levels of fatigue and how I sleep, so there's been physical barriers that have affected me, spiritually, and I've really missed the impactful dreams I used to have on a regular basis...I prayed again on Sunday, that God would break through and stir everything up again. I think that over the past week, some dust is being shaken and some ash is breaking down...

I've had some struggles lately in the area of relationships; I have felt, for lack of a better word, trampled, and like I am struggling for validation from people (which is DISASTROUS, for so many unhealthy reasons). I've said it repeatedly to myself, that as I turn 40 in November, that I am taking a stand and refusing to feel this way any longer. I have felt like the pending "doom" of turning 40 is more of a rebirth for myself, mentally and spiritually, but for every step I take, 5 more knock me down. I am not giving up, and I am determined to stand my ground, especially in regards to my career and the dreams for my life that I know God gave me. I am so tired of hearing, "God has a plan, He is going to use you," and seeing nothing...and feeling nothing...and also of not putting the legwork in to build my spiritual life. I've struggled with self-discipline my entire life, and now, as a fat and broke adult(!), I have to end this. I can't live like this anymore, and I need to get it right. I'm sick of myself and of the stupid excuses. God made me stronger than this. It's time for me to walk in it...but I've been saying that for over a year.
Big dreams, bad execution?
When it's just me, just my face, just this body staring at me in the mirror, there are so many voices I many ways of saying "you're not worth it, Cass." I've always been fond of words, but they cut my throat when I see myself.
Who needs enemies when no one hates you as much as you do?
(Actually, that's not true--I can think of at least one person that hates me way more than I do, LOL--for this week, at least) :)
And as much as I dislike certain things about myself, (physical, personality, etc), I do struggle with a sense of entitlement in particular areas. I think my sense of reward is disproportionate to my actual investment, if that makes sense, and I really see that manifest in financial areas. I always have, and as I've grown, I noticed that when I have felt safe, loved, etc., I don't spend anything. It's when I am under stress or feeling ignored that I find myself in trouble. I try to fill gaps that I should be looking to Jesus to fill. It's gotten me into more trouble--oooh, girl! He has to be my All; He has to be my Everything, and I have to stop self-validating or looking to others to pat my ego as a temporary patch on what is missing, spiritually.

I write more, when I feel challenged, torn, broken, defiant, stretched, and bluntly, when I feel like throwing up my middle finger to the world and doing whatever the heck I want. I'm being super, super honest here, but it's the truth, and sometimes, it's not pretty. Sometimes, I say and do ugly things, particularly when I'm in the breaking process, which is where I am, right now.

There's a line in a *Nicki Minaj song that says, "I give zero f***s and I got zero chill in me." I get it. I mean, I GET IT. I am sick and tired as hell of caring what people think, because all it gets me is frustration and emptiness. People walk away. They burn bridges, and there's nothing left, even when you've poured your heart and your prayers and your time into them. They light the match and they walk off, and it's just you. It's just me, looking at myself, thinking, "You're a fool. Why did you bother?"
Why did I bother?
Because Jesus says to bother.
That sucks.

He says to be a friend to the pour in your time and your heart and your prayers. He says to be the open door, the shoulder to cry on. He says to be the listening ear, even when you're irritated or offended (He says, "don't be offended). He says to make the investment, even when you know it's not going to come into fruition. He says to love.
He knows you're going to get hurt. He knows I'm hurt. He knows I've thrown up that middle finger and told the world to eff off. He knows I'm angry. He knew this would happen; he knew where I would fail, he knew where friendships would fail, and He knows I'm in the middle of a tantrum (ch-ching!). He knows.

He knows I have to go through this breaking process. He knows a relationship has been required of me, and I see His hand working. I see my mistakes, and I see the patterns. I see they need to be broken, and that I feel like a raw, disgusting scrambled egg inside.

Every place we are in life, every relationship we have, everything we do, weaves into this tapestry that we cannot see...I like to think about Harry Potter, and the room in Sirius Black's house, where there's an enormous family tree. As people defy the family, his mother burns their faces out on the tapestry, leaving a huge, burnt hole. I'd kinda like to burn a few faces out, LOL, but that's not my point. My point is that our tapestry is full of milestone moments, forks in the road, and when we look back, we will see how they are huge turning points. Those forks in the road can be very, very dark, but are so beautiful, in retrospect. We can try to burn those milestones out, but there will always be a mark, and we will always, despite our best efforts, have those memories of deciding moments.  We decide our behaviors, we decide our response, and we walk out the field we've sown.
I want to choose the behaviors and the responses that show a tapestry of fruitful fields, not a tapestry of burnt holes and fallow ground. 
It's not easy, and sometimes, I suck so unbelievably hard at it. I can be such a punk, and frankly, it's no secret that I can be a total b***h. I'm pretty sure part of my tapestry looks like Death Valley.

I am POSITIVE that part of my tapestry is beautiful. I have seen the hand of God work in my life so powerfully, so undeniably, that I know and I believe in Him. I believe His Holy Spirit works in crazy, incomprehensible ways. I know He's working even now, whether it's in a healing way, a restorative way, a breaking way, whatever; I know He's working, trying to rehab or reconstruct me in the middle of this process. I am positive that He can make even the ugliest parts of my tapestry absolutely beautiful in His way...

Jesus lays out some pretty crappy, difficult stuff for His children to do. Forgive? Disciple? Befriend? Share? Help? Who wants to do any of that, man? Who wants to stop on the side of the road and help someone who blew a tire? Who thinks it's funnier to drive by and yell expletives at them out the window (and maybe video tape it and upload it to YouTube to go viral)? Who wants to forgive someone who slapped their face or threw a slushie at them? Who wants to open up their building to house the displaced, with reckless abandonment to anyone who may be trying to come in for nefarious reasons? Who wants to befriend the obnoxious, nerdy kid who sits by themselves in the lunch room?
Who wants to share their Ben & Jerry's Phish Food ice cream (not this girl. Don't touch my ice cream.)?

Who'd rather go on about their lives, living for themselves, without any eye on eternity or making an impact?

Jesus makes life difficult. It's true. Yes, He's awesome. His Love is amazing. He's so real, and He's so present...but it doesn't always feel that way, and sometimes, He feels distant and we feel alone. We feel the chill of this earth and the lack of heart. We have to push through what we feel, and what we know, to draw closer to Him and to do what He asks.

No one has ever felt lonelier or more abandoned than Jesus.

NO one has ever loved harder than Jesus.

No one has ever been expected to do more, with less of a payoff: "Hey, Jesus, go to earth! Die on a Cross in a horrible, brutal, awful way, okay? Those people are going to hate You, to totally reject You, and maybe 10-20% are ever going to love You---and only 5% of those people are not going to totally suck at following Your commands--but go ahead, drop down to earth, and suffer, 'K?" WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?

Jesus Loves Us.
He loves me, and He would have done it all for just me...fat, narcissistic, petty ME.  He's the Thread that keeps my messed-up, ashy tapestry from falling apart. He's what makes my life beautiful...even right now, even during my gross, raw, scrambled egg, broken hot mess phase.

I want to flip off the world. I want to tell everyone I run into--strangers, friends, family--to leave me the hell alone, and let me drown in my debt and my misery. That's pure, selfish garbage. That's humanity.

Life is spiritual.

Humanity is cold and solid. Spirituality is fluid, breathable, warm, and embracing. Humanity says to "shut down, reject." Spirituality says to "reach out, to pray, to love." Humanity is armored. Spirituality is open.

Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to comfort us, to keep us from embracing humanity and telling the world to eff off. He sent His Spirit to keep our hearts open and soft, prone to injury (because He is our armor), and reliant on Him to show love.

I will show love, even when it's difficult, because He says I have to.
I will feel loved, even when no one shows it to me, because He says He loves me. I believe Him.
I will make the investment, over and over again, into people, regardless of what happens, because he makes the investment into me, over and over again...

And I will rely on Him,
In so many, many ways,
To make my hot mess of life into something beautiful...
I will trust in what I don't see...
I will break, but I will not be broken...
And He will restore my soul....

*I do not make it a habit, of listening to or of endorsing Nicki Minaj, LOL.  I just happened to catch that line and thought it was perfect. :) 

Friday, August 25, 2017



maybe i'm more forgiving of myself
than i am of you...
but maybe not.

maybe i'm just
maybe I'm just
not able to keep the
MaybE I am A
"meaN girl"

maybe it's just

maybe I've had

maybe i was trying
to get Past
to Ignore
to Stay Solid
Even though what you
Did was
fluid and unstable.

sometimes i am unstable, too
(is anyone stable?)

maybe instability,
is Grounds for

you don't knoW what i've hiddeN.
you don't knoW the secrets.
yOu don't see the Misery or the tEars
or the frustratioN or the patience

and i didn't see it, either
i'm guessing it goes Both waYs
but nEither of us had enough respect
for the other to have the CONVERSATION
to figure it out.

so you cut ofF thE abcess
and i cut off the Limb
and we lImp away
swearing its better
but both infeCted

i don't believe in ghosts
And only  God can raise the
i'm nOt brokeN
or torn
over this sEverage
i'm fine
i'm angry
words written
words said
never in person
keyboard commandos
no respect

no regrets.

there are better ways to handle
disagreeances and scandal
but PETTY is as petty does
and i don't feel like wearing gloves
so there you have it, and there you are
cuts can freely heal to scars
and lessons learned are lessons earned
it only takes once; i remember what burns
so i'd set it afire and walk away
but the ashes you left are all that remain
and that's fine--"i wish you the best"
may your "heavy heart" heal
From the wounds i've inflicted--i thought things were reAl
face-to-face conversations aren't done by faKe friends
so it's a service to us both that

Good Riddance and Goodbyes

There is a spot on the carpet,
And if I look at it long enough,
Or pinch myself hard enough,
Or dig my toes into the carpet deep enough,
Maybe I can stop the
Overwhelming wave that is about to....
Never mind. 

I should know by now.

Don't touch me, don't touch me, don't touch me--
Can't you see you've already done enough?
You should know by now.
Make excuses--that's fine.
Whatever you have to do, to feel better.
I knew I would somehow wind up on
The Other End of Your

I can't cry anymore.
I try to tell you it hurts,
But you only protect yourself.
I try to tell you I'm sorry,
But you only say, "we're even."
Was anyone keeping score,
Or is it just one more thing for me to
I gave up looking for worth from your words a long time ago.
"Hurting people hurt other people;"
Truth is not an excuse,
But it can be anticipatory,
So I can't say I didn't expect it,
And thank you for predictability.

Better check my meds, because
Or hurting
Or being angry
I can't be medicated into the
Coma of
Plastering a smile and
Like you're okay
Or I'm okay
Or THIS is okay.
And I won't take a pill
That makes me not feel
Even when these feelings
"Pain lets us know we are still alive,"
Even when I question whether or not

Does it?

Who knows?

I'm just an "educated idiot,"
A "mean girl," at best
God forbid, I let anyone
Know that the stress
Of life,
Of failure,
Of love or of loss
Can be overwhelming
Can come at a cost
That's higher than what
My psyche can pay;
God forbid, I mention
Or ruin YOUR day
I'm sorry, are you listening?
I've been kicked while I'm down.
Oh, I've annoyed you?
Have I ruffled your crown?
By all means, I will leave;
I've no time for this.
Just don't bother me when it's your turn;
Consider yourself dismissed.
I don't need your cynicism
Or to feel like a pest,
When I'm already struggling
And feel like a mess,
So goodbye, see you later
Go ahead, move along.
I'll be here, staring at
This spot
On the carpet....

Don't touch me.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Lexapro Lock & Gratitude

I haven’t written anything in what seems like forever.

I think I’m okay with that.

Every now and then, I think a writer needs to refuel, rebalance, and refocus…I think I’m in that phase, and I’m not sure how long it will last. I’m enjoying reading other’s projects, finding new books to dive into, and focusing on the day-to-day of life.

Does that mean I am wasting my so-called “talent?”
I hope not.

In order for me to write and to write well, I have to feel connected. Sometimes, that’s hard for me to do; in fact, the last time I wrote something was back in February, and then in March, I was put on Lexapro due to increased anxiety (this is in addition to a low dose of Wellbutrin). I think I have felt slightly disconnected ever since (although I can appreciate the overall calm I’ve felt since then). Although I’m on the lowest possible dose of the Lexapro, I’ve gained a BUNCH of weight, and am really having difficulties in areas of self-control. In the course of the last 6 months, I’ve gained 20 pounds. 20 pounds, on an already-fluffy frame. I’d lost close to 50, and now I’ve gained 20 of it back. I’d like to wallow in self-pity, but what good would that do? I need to get this weight off; it’s the only way for me to NOT be a diabetic, it’s the best thing for my heart, and it’s the way I feel the best about myself….but it’s hard to get motivated when you feel disconnected.

So, do I stop the meds and deal with the stress? Or do I take the meds and just relegate myself to being fat and calm and somewhat disconnected? What is it worth, to feel so completely, and to risk the imbalance of doing so? And what are the consequences?

I know that it’s probably not “normal” to publicly and candidly discuss medications. It’s been no secret that I’ve been on a pretty solid routine of meds for the past 11 years. Life experiences have side effects, as do various medications and surgeries, and there are emotional and neurological consequences that have to be considered. It’s easy for someone to look at me and say, “Can’t you just get over it?” I get it. And I also know that as Christians, it’s really easy for someone to look at me and say, “Well, we’ll just pray for you to get where you don’t have to take those meds anymore.” And sure, if God wants to do that, I know it’s possible…but I’ve also seen Christians stop their meds based on someone’s prayer, and wind up in a padded cell (or worse). So, I personally think it’s better to be honest about these things, and to take some of the stigma off of it.

Sometimes, we just need medicine.

Sometimes, we just need to be okay with that.

My biggest struggle right now is with worship. It is so, so hard for me to truly plug in right now, and to tap into that part of my heart where I feel I can totally let go and get face-to-face with Jesus. I feel like the Lexapro is somehow fencing me off from not just my true emotions, but from my true heart—does that make sense?  My creative process is affected as well, which is NOT normal for me. I’ve thought about trying natural options, but the side effects usually counter other meds I’m on, so I have to consider that as well.

So, that’s what’s been going on. Life has been good; my son is amazing. He definitely keeps us on our toes, which is pretty typical for a 4-year old. I actually think the Lexapro has been great for our marriage, LOL, because I am certainly a lot less-stressed about dirty dishes, for SURE! J We have been tackling home improvement issues (which means we have FINALLY been hiring wonderful, amazing friends who are far more skilled than us, to tackle plumbing & drywall issues). We are both working our tails off in our respective offices, and getting ready to put Jericho in pre-school in the fall. So, life is “normal.” And maybe that’s also part of my “dry spell”—I am so used to episodes of chaos that I’m not sure how to handle a calm.

So now I’m going to just shut up and praise God for a lull, because I certainly think we need it.  I’m going to praise God for “normal.” I’m grateful.

And I’m grateful for medicines that balance hormones, regulate hearts and blood sugars, replace missing organs, and that help prolong and sustain life. I’m grateful that I have opportunities and health care and excellent specialists, and all of that other stuff.
And maybe focusing on that—on all of the things that I’m grateful for—I can break through the fog and find my reconnect. Maybe that’s how I plug back in, and restart the creative process.  Maybe gratitude breaks the Lexapro lock…

Because I definitely know that God is greater. I may not feel Him to the extent that I have, but I know that He’s there, and I know He is far from cut off.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Heaven...Just a Glimpse...

We are often told to imagine what Heaven would be like, and I think I'm guilty of missing the mark. I have always imagined the esthetics of it: lights, sounds, colors, music, instruments...the endless worship...

Usually, it's the thought of "endless worship" that both fascinates and terrifies me.
How do we DO that?!? Like, does it ever get boring?

Think about why we get bored...because we are distracted and burdened by life, because we are over-entertained, and because we have lost the ability as a society to be focused and contemplative.  We get bored because we live this life.

There is no boredom in Heaven.

So, I'm on the worship team at church, and my mind was blowing up, because as weird as it sounds,  when I am in that setting of communal worship, I see colors in my head. It's basically worship-induced synesthesia,  and it sounds NUTS, but I swear, it's the truth. I see worship in colors. I wish I could paint what roars through my head, because it's amazing, and today, it was intense. I felt like my entire being was about to explode,  but I know "it's only a shadow" of what's to come. My brain cannot wrap around that level of intensity, and neither can my body.
Worship ebbs and flows, and during an ebb, our pastor said, "Imagine what it's like, when you're not tied down to things,  like a calendar."

My heart kinda blew up (& trust me, I know how that feels, for real).

Imagine worship that is not tied down to a time frame.  It's not tied down to a Day of the Week. It's not tied down to a bladder or feet that hurt, or hands that can't play anymore. It's not tied down to a brain that doesn't focus, or musical abilities that never came (I can't play the darn piano. It's aggravating).

It's not tied down to a budget or bills or schedules or CALENDARS or parenting failures or any of the things that tie us down to this distracting, anchoring world.
We will have "no strings to hold us down."
No strings.
No limits.
No boundaries.
No deadlines.
No budgets.
No time.
No chains...we are so used to the chains of this world that we don't even realize, until we look at eternity, just how heavy and limiting they are.

No chains.
True, absolute, incomprehensible freedom....

What would we ever want to do then,  then to worship the One Who gives us that freedom, for eternity?!?

I can't imagine my life without the restrictions of physical responsibility....without bills or boundaries,  without calendars and 24-hour time blocks. Just the thought, just a glimpse of a life without these chains?
My heart...

Jesus loves us so much that He gives us an eternity of perfect freedom, with Him...
There's NOTHING "boring" about that.


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