It's a wonderful time of the year! David and I have a lot to look forward to...
Up until this point, all of our doctors' appointments have gone really well. Unfortunately, over the last week, we've had a few things take some turns we were not expecting. Without going into details, I would ask at this time that you say a quick prayer for us, and for Baby Cooley. Our doctors have the advantage this time of knowing my medical history, and of knowing what to plan for. The specialists are using their great brains to figure out a game plan.
It would seem as though the "boring" part of my pregnancy is officially over; now, we play a waiting game of balancing medications, taking tests, and most importantly for me, of resting when I'm at home.
This is what we're praying for, and we'd humbly like to ask you to agree with us:
1. God's Will to be revealed: We are completely relying on Him. We know that He is faithful (Hebrews 10:23), and that He knows what's going on.
2. Wisdom for the doctors
3. That delivery will be put off as long as possible (I'd like to make it to 35-36 weeks, at the earliest)
4. That I can continue working until 34 weeks (So far, so good--I realize this is not the priority, and that God will provide, regardless. I would actually like to keep working as long as is safely possible. If the doctors say "no," I will be obedient...but I'd like to work).
5. That certain medications will not be required.
6. That I can keep my wits about me, and stop being a nervous wreck. It's easy to write about God being faithful; it's much harder to focus on it when I'm getting overloaded in medical details.
And that's it. I realize that I usually write WAY too much, but the details are irrelevant. Besides--I have a propensity to focus on the drama and/or scary emotion of the details, and I don't need to stress myself out with that. There are a few people who have heard my entire emotional gamut in this situation, and they've reminded me of what's WAY more important: God is bigger than all of this.
And He is faithful.
Thank you for praying...
I say too much, or not enough. I don't believe in a Happy Medium, & I use too many commas. This blog is a simple woman's reflections on faith, life, loss, love, & balancing being an awesome guy's wife, a little guy's momma, & a corporation's employee. Wish me luck!
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