I initially had all of these lofty goals of keeping my mouth shut about the particulars of people, places, and things. I'm still not going into details, because let's face it: Blogs are hardly the most secure way to divulge information.
For the last 8 days, I've managed to keep a stiff upper lip, and to not fall off of the proverbial emotional cliff of feeling sorry for myself. Today, I announce my failure.
Today, I feel like crap.
Today, I want to take every person who whines about something on Facebook, and hit them in the head with a shovel so that they feel, how I feel, and figure out that there are worse ways to feel.
I'm not a very nice person right now.
I'm only posting this because I've tried to only post positive things, and I've had people say things like, "You're so strong!!"
I am not.
Today, I am petulant, bitchy, and content to sit in a dark room and cry about how I don't feel very special.
Today, my doctor actually looked at me and pointed out that in spite of my headache, it's a little concerning that I don't mind sitting in a dark room. Evidently, that's a sign of depression.
Well, gee, doc, you think?!?!?
No, I do not want to open the blinds; the light hurts my eyes. No, I do not want someone I do not know to take me on a wheelchair ride. The thought of making forced conversation is annoying.
No, housekeeping, you do not need to wake me up to empty a partially-filled trash can, and if you do, I will muster up enough energy to bite you.
Nurse, I can hear every word you say outside of my door, and I want to throw something at you because your voice carries even more than mine does...and that's saying something.
Is there a drug that will let me just sleep all day? Oh, I took it? Oh.
It's not working.
So there you have it: This is NOT a positive post. I'm not even going to try to spin it to a happy ending. I could--I know this is all worth it. But the fact of the matter is, that for today, I'm having a bad day.
And there's my "moment" of weakness.
I say too much, or not enough. I don't believe in a Happy Medium, & I use too many commas. This blog is a simple woman's reflections on faith, life, loss, love, & balancing being an awesome guy's wife, a little guy's momma, & a corporation's employee. Wish me luck!
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