Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 3...Your views on alcohol and drugs

Who thinks of this stuff? This may be my shortest blog EVER.
I can happily live in a world without alcohol. That being said, I'm not opposed to the occasional glass of wine.
However, having been on the "receiving" end of someone else's drunkenness, I can honestly say that I'm 100% opposed to getting throw-your-guts-up trashed. I've never done it, and I've seen it far too many times. If you're using alcohol as a coping mechanism, that's not a good way to live. I think drunk drivers that kill people ought to be tried as murderers. I don't believe that writing off alcoholism as an addiction is right. As a fat person who has a problem with food, I choose what I eat. Could I argue that I have a "Fat" gene? Heck, yeah. Do I still pick up a Whopper? Yep. I am responsible for my behavior, regardless of genes, addictions, whatever. I choose. I've lost far too many people I love from alcoholism, and I genuinely feel sorry for them...but they made their choices. Choosing not to drink, for the most part, is how I handle having the genetic propensity toward alcoholism. Too bad I couldn't exercise that same restraint with food! :)
I'm pretty certain I'm cool with the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes. I don't have much of a problem with it, as long as it's controlled; I really don't think we need to fill our prisons with potheads. I've never tried it...in fact, I've never smoked anything.
So there you have it. Alcohol is fine in moderation; I think marijuana has its place. Drunkenness and states of permanent stoner-hood are not a Godly way of life.
The end! :) (That's such a silly blog topic!)

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