Thursday, June 19, 2014

#100HappyDays #100HappyBalloons

Have you heard about this campaign? I haven't read a whole lot about it, but it seems pretty self-explanatory: Write about something happy for 100 days, and hashtag it #100HappyDays.
( You're also supposed to come up with your own hashtag, to limit your personal publicity (and to allow the campaign to spot you). I think mine will be #100HappyBalloons.
Because we ALL know: Cassidy loves balloons.
Every day, you submit a happy thought, happy reality, and/or a happy picture, via Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. With all of the joy that surrounds me, this should not be a difficult concept...unless I get so wrapped up in my own head that I forget to see the beauty in the madness...which happens...because I am an inconsiderate dope. :)
But I'm also an intrinsically upbeat person, 21 days out of 28.
And I like to smile.
For me, this will take me through the remainder of summer, until September 26th. There is absolutely nothing significant about this time frame or these dates; I just decided to start today. During the next 100 days, I know several things will be happening: Jericho will start daycare :(. I will keep working. David will keep working (and we will continue to pray that he finds a new job).
The sun will continue to rise, and set, and the world will continue to spin, for the next 100 days.
So, here we go! 100 Happy Thoughts!!!!!

Day 1: #ThrowbackThursday (#TBT) makes me happy. Looking at old pictures, & hearing old songs, makes me remember the fun of my childhood. #100HappyDays #100HappyBalloons

1 comment:

  1. I am joining in on the fun, facebook is going to be my platform though. I start tomorrow.

