Sunday, November 22, 2009

An Open Letter to Adam Lambert...

Dear Adam,
I don't think you'll ever see this, and I'm okay with that. I just felt the need to say a few things to you, and to Hollywood in general. Sorry for making you the face of celebrity today, but I believe your performance at the American Music Awards is officially the straw that has broken the camel's back for me in many ways.
I loved you on American Idol, I truly did. Based on talent alone, you were the most gifted performer that stage has seen in history, and I voted for you more times that I've ever voted for anyone before--and this is coming from a thirty-two year-old! I'm a fan of talent over anything, and in your own words, yes, you can "sing your face off." I've never seen anyone sing like're magnetic. I could tell you were hiding behind the American Idol machine, but I didn't think it mattered much...
Something happened.
Of course you're gay, I mean, who couldn't figure that one out? I knew it from the first time you were on the stage, and sexuality is part of how you sold yourself on AI. It's part of the music industry, and I guess we're all dulled to it by now. I had higher hopes for you, though...I didn't care about your sexuality. That's supposed to be between you and God. American Idol is, after all, a talent show, and though previous winners have been "sexy," so to speak, it never influenced my vote. Gay, straight, whatever--can you sing? And man, can you! So you had my vote.
I wasn't expecting you to be Carrie Underwood-clean.
I wasn't thinking you'd be Clay Aiken (thank God).
I was hoping you'd be Adam Lambert: Brilliant. Rock. Icon.
Instead, after watching tonight's performance, I got Adam Lambert: Crotch Monkey.
That performance wasn't just shocking--Madonna rolling on the floor at the VMA's singing "Like a Virgin" was shocking--it was filthy.
Not kinda dirty fun...Filthy.
Like, the camera had to pan to the audience and off the stage filthy.
It was desperate.
You're better than least, I'd hoped you would be.
I'm disappointed, and I know I'm not the only one...
Things don't have to be that kind of sexy if you're truly talented, Adam, and you are, so why did you have to take it that far? You're better than that, and honestly, I think you should take some time and reflect on why you're in the music industry in the first place, and who you're surrounding yourself with.
Music should bring people together, to have fun and celebrate, and that performance, made me feel like I needed a shower.
I posted on Facebook that I wish I would have turned it off, but I was hoping it would get better. I was hoping for campy fun...that was NOT it.
If our country can sit and watch a performance like that, and not feel outraged at the direction the moral compass has taken in America, we're in BIG trouble. I'm not trying to be judgmental...but that "performance" was so graphic, so over-sexualized, and so made me sad that the show is called the "American" Music Awards...
I know I'm taking it out on you, Adam...after all, you're hardly the first to come out on national television and scar our retinas with literal junk...but really, it's the disappointment speaking. I had higher hopes for you, especially since my votes are part of how you got in your position.
Now I feel terribly, terribly guilty...and sad, that like so many, I was fooled into believing that talent might be the thing we were voting for....
Too many truly talented people get on this Hollywood machine and become a trainwreck of flash and flesh, lose who they were to begin with, and burn out far too soon...Hollywood may have just found it's new poster-child....

1 comment:

  1. Well said Cassidy! Let the talent speak for itself don't over shadow it with a bunch of garbage. It totally took the focus off of him and his gift.

