David and I have been busy...I'm trying to break out of my hermit-ness, and am getting a social life, so we've been going out and spending time with people. I spoke on behalf of the American Heart Association, to the employees at the West County Macy's, yesterday. I literally condensed my "story" with AHA heart disease facts, into a 7 minute speech. 7 minutes!!!! It took me 45 minutes to make it through it, the first time! I knew I only had a few minutes with these guys, but even I felt like, "whoa." Seven minutes? That actually kind of hurts. I know that it goes with the territory--when you're raising awareness, you speak in whatever time slot you have. That's just the first time I've had that kind of time frame. I'll get used to it--but it kind of felt like an out-of-body thing, where I'm like, "where did I get the strength to tell this story in 7 minutes?" God gives us the coolest grace!!!
So, we made it through the biggest milestone: Hannah would have turned 3 on October 30th. (And I swear to you, if one more religious person sits there and tells me, "Oh, she doesn't have any more birthdays; she's with Jesus now so she's eternal!" I am going to throw something. Yes, people, I get it, I swear I do. Hannah's in Heaven, no aging, yadayadayada. But that's my baby, I'm her momma, and I'm still thinking in birthdays. If that makes me un-Godly, well, I don't think we serve the same God. 'Cause He likes birthdays, too. And He gets me.) We went to her place (I call Hannah's grave her "spot." I don't like the word "grave," It's creepy), put out her new "flowers," and hung out at Chesterfield Mall, because I hadn't been there in 2 years.
So, we went out there, to the mall, and then to my brother-in-law, Eugene's, for a hayride. And of course, as with all Cooley adventures, someone got hurt and had to go to Urgent Care--oh, wait, that's me! David went to shift his position on a hayride, and didn't realize that when he put his weight on his elbow, that MY HAND WAS UNDER HIS ELBOW!!! It immediately swelled up; the bruising is going down, and it's not broken, but it's still extremely sore, and I've no patience for the healing process, so I've been kind of a baby this week. Thankfully, my boss knows her stuff, and she's done a lot of great things to help it out!!! And, that's another reason why I haven't been blogging over the past week. It hurts to type!!!!!
Halloween was spent at our awesome church, Southgate. We helped out with the Full-Size Candy Bar Extravaganza, and gave candy to the kids in the huge neighborhood around our church. We have some great people at Southgate, and I'm glad it's finally starting to feel more like home again. It took a few months, and an attitude change on my part, but David and I are coming around. Good people!
I've worked a lot since my last post, but that's nothing new. I'm so blessed, in that I truly do love my job. Even on the days when it's stressing me out, not a day goes by that I don't thank God for my job, my boss, and my patients. I get to meet a lot of really cool people, with some very different mindsets. Sometimes it takes me a bit to get past some of the more avant-garde mindsets--but everyone I see in that office has a good heart, and that's a tremendous blessing in the medical field! I have such an interesting job--I'll have to tell you more about it, in another post. I'm an office manager for a chiropractic/alternative healing office, and we do things there that no one else in St. Louis can do. It's a crazy, ridiculous, fascinating place to be, and I love it.
Even though it's been just over a week since my last post, I feel like it's been a month!!!! Between being busy at work, and the hecticness of this weekend, it's a whirlwind! Yesterday, not only did I speak at Macy's; David and I had pictures taken at JC Penney's! We hadn't had studio pictures taken since we got engaged, like, 6 years ago. Let's face it; we look a little different now! My weight is actually a little lighter than when we got engaged....but I have new fine lines that I never saw coming! It's weird--I look like such a kid in my engagement picture, even though I was 26. Here I am, at 32, and I look at these pictures, and OMG, I think I just might be a grown-up...shudder... We also went to a dinner at my friend Deb's house, where God just totally blessed us with a perfect meeting of the perfect people at the perfect time...more on that, later...
Please pray for us. There's something percolating in our family that will affect David and I directly; I'm not going into details, because it's too soon (no, I'm not pregnant), and we need more information. It's potential...We need direction, we need understanding; we need to take things day-to-day, and I need to guard my heart (literally). Please pray for us, that God will take our hands and show us what to do, and how to do it; that He will prepare all hearts to be involved, and that no hearts will be broken as we walk this path....
So, on that note...Here are a few pics of me and my hubby. Yesterday, I introduced him at Macy's as my best friend and teammate. I think that's the very least I could say about this man. There simply is no one like David Cooley, and through Hell or high water, I am blessed to be married to him. And darn it, we look cute together, LOL!
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