I started out (after the whirlwind of getting ready for work in 15 minutes--that explains the hair) by getting in my car and praying. This chorus in my head from church kept ringing, "who the Son sets free is free indeed," and I couldn't help but think of the things I need freedom in. I mean, we all need the freedom Jesus gives; we all have chains, in many different forms, and it's awesome to know that none of them are too big for Him to break. SO, that's a good start for the day...
Oh...did I mention that I'm trying to switch to decaf?!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?!?
Anyway, I get to the office, and there's a mountain of stuff to do...Saturday's patients had to be entered, the office had to be readied for a steady stream of patients today, my inbox has officially thrown up on the floor, and I don't think I'll ever see my desktop again...but that's normal. The morning was full of last-minute appointments, a few cancellations, and the usual chaos of a doctor's office. I love that kind of stuff--I hate being bored, so no worries there. The afternoon, however, kinda threw me over the edge.
I deal with insurance. It's the one area of my job that I'd love to see disappear. When it works, it's great...when it doesn't, it's a nightmare. I have to not only figure out the nightmare; I have to be able to clearly explain it to people, and that's usually the hardest part (that, and dealing with "John" from Anthem BCBS who's outsourced in India and speaks worse English than my DOG, but that's another story). I had someone come in with this crazy copay/coinsurance/deductible madness-type plan (which unless you work with insurance, that will make no sense to you; if you understand what I just typed, I feel sorry for you!)...then I had someone who basically wanted me to GUARANTEE that their insurance would cover their services (I can't do that. No one can do that--not even the insurance company); and various other insurance-related moments of insanity....By the end of the day, I was practically mainlining espresso. Needless to say, I was looking forward to going home until a pesky little problem caused me to have to detour on my way home...
My phone blew up.
Electronically, of course...but it's dead in the water. A $500 cell phone (HECK, NO I didn't pay that!!!!!) just up and died. So that meant I ended my crazy day at the Sprint store...did I mention that I'd usually rather have my fingernails removed with tweezers, than deal with an electronic issue?!? And, my phone is in the shop...
I feel so naked without my phone!!!!
Anyways, I get home, and David says to me..."Honey? Did you set a container on the stairs this morning?" I had set a Tupperware container full of sand dollars and starfish on the stairs, meaning to add them to a hurricane vase full of shells that I have in my bathroom. NEVER in a THOUSAND YEARS did I think my beloved, practically-military-trained dog would TOUCH something I set on the stairs. David says, "Um, were there starfish in that container?" "Yes....why?" "Well, I think Holly may have eaten them."
Dead silence.
30 seconds later, as I manually pick my jaw up off of the floor..."WHAT?!?!?!?!?!? THERE WERE LIKE, 3 OR 4 STARFISH IN THAT CONTAINER!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?" Well, evidently, David heard the dog crunching on what he thought was her rawhide bone (Um, hello? Does rawhide "crunch?" Didn't think so. Left that out.), but it was my beloved starfish. My 5-year-old, washed-up-from-Hurricane-Charlie, gift-from-my-stepmom starfish. From Florida.
I'm not sure this day can get any weirder. Maybe if I had kids, I might not think this was so weird...after all, if my 3-year-old had just eaten starfish, I'd really freak. But for me, this is weird.
I still haven't called the vet...but I think we're going to spend the next few days watching dog poo.
And that my Darling friend was mellow compared to what a small or medium child can throw at you. hee hee. I pray your pooch is still doing fine, no intestinal distress?!
ReplyDeleteStarfish on the stairs you say? hmmm.