Well, there it is (click the header for the link): the article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Really, words cannot express how strange it is, to pour out your story/guts to a complete stranger, and then trust them to wrap it all up and present it to the general public. Truly, it's bizarre. I prayed over this article before it came out, so I know what needed to be said, was said....however, (LOL) I totally hate the picture! Yikes--can we say, unflattering?!?!? At least I had makeup on! :) Sheesh.
If I had to add anything to it, I would have added the diagnosis the doctors "bestowed" on me, simply because it sounds so scary that it might knock some awareness into younger people that yes, they too, can have frightening diagnoses knock on their doors when they least expect it! SO ('cause it's impressive, haha), in case you were wondering, I was diagnosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy with pulmonary hypertension and congestive heart failure, 2 days after delivering my Hannah. Sounds scary-cool, huh? I always get a kick out of people's faces when I say that, kind of a "WHAAT??" It's fun!
The whole process was interesting. I have such a different writing style, that it's strange for me to see myself interpreted in someone else's writing style. That's just bizarre! So, here's the article, and I'm really excited about it coming out; I'm hoping it really does bring a younger face to the Heart Association, for awareness. I'm not the only 20-30 year-old chick with heart issues, and I know it can be kinda lonely at times for those of us with these issues. Let me know what you think...and a huge thanks to Dr. Shea, and to Dr. Mary Jo, for being willing to help a sister out! Dr. Shea let me do both the interview, and the photography at our office (although I would have rathered a DIFFERENT PICTURE, LOL!), and Dr. Mary Jo was willing to let Mr. Jackson interview her regarding my case.
So, now the world knows: My heart stopped working; my daughter died; and yes, I saw a shrink.
I officially feel like an open book...and that's not a bad thing, all things considered!
Oh, FYI: February is National Heart Health Awareness month, and Friday, February 5th, is National Go Red for Women Day. I'll be buzzing around St. Louis in my "free time" doing American Heart Association events, including interviewing for a position as National Spokesperson for the Go Red campaign, so wish me luck and prayers...You now officially know someone with heart disease (me) who would appreciate your support in this endeavor. 1 woman dies every minute from heart disease. Visit www.goredforwomen.org for more information...your mothers, sisters, daughters, and more, will appreciate it!
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