Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Volunteer! Because it's a Good Thing!

I am fortunate enough to work for an employer that encourages volunteerism! Through the Employee Volunteer Program, I was able to spend a day this week, volunteering at the World Bird Sanctuary. Although I'm sure that my co-workers thought it would be a day of petting vultures and cuddling chickens, they couldn't be more wrong!
The day was, in a word, exhausting. This little office girl was not prepared for the amount of sheer physicality that these employees go through on a daily basis. A tremendous amount of food preparation and cleaning goes on every day, that the public has no concept of! Crates had to be cleaned, floors had to be swept and mopped, produce had to be chopped, and most exciting of all: Rats and mice had to be gutted and skinned (What, eagles don't eat broccoli?!?!?). My sister has worked for this organization for years, and I've been attending events there for at least a decade; this was the first time I have ever volunteered. I walked away with an entirely new appreciation for the love and care these staff members give these beautiful creatures. I strongly encourage everyone to take a day to volunteer at a non-profit organization, and if you do, please consider WBS! They would certainly appreciate an extra set of hands...And how many people can say, at the end of the day, that an armadillo licked their feet? Imagine the stories you could tell your friends!!! 

Billie Baumann (sister) and I, with Sanibel the Bald Eagle.

Cathy Spahn and Rustle the Armadillo

There’s an armadillo licking my feet! (Rustle)

Preparing flier food (rats and mice) with Trina

Feeding a fruit bat by hand!  He kept reaching out with the claws on the ends of his wing!

Sweeping out the kitchen

Big Bad Bertha the Kestrel

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