Friday, May 31, 2013


I have fallen off of the face of the earth.
It's official: I've been dumped into the sinkhole that is otherwise known as Life. :)
I recently called a friend of mine that I hadn't spoken to in quite a while--her response?  "SHE'S ALIIIIIIIIIVE!"
It's so totally true!  Between my hectic work schedule (I work 4 10-hour days; figure in a 45-minute long drive--on a good day--each way), and my weekdays start with a 3:45 am feeding. They end around 8:30-ish...Okay, by the time I get off of Facebook, it's more like 9.
Anyway, you get the point.  Weekends are spent going to church, catching up on a little bit of sleep, and monopolizing my son. I want as much time with him as possible; Mondays are my favorite, because he's all mine, the entire day. He gets lots of smooches; I try to keep up with the cloth diapers and a bit of housekeeping (my mother has been SUCH a blessing in this department!!!!)...and by the time I blink, it's time for me to get ready for the work week.

A few years ago, I made a decision to stop being such a hermit. I made a lot of really great friends during that time, that have had my back through a lot of ups and downs. I also have my best friend, VS, who's been by my side since the third grade. So, there are quite few people that I have to stop "hiding" from...It's just so easy to get lost in my little routine!
I'm trying to find the balance between my spiritual life, parenthood, marriage, my job, my family, and my friends...unfortunately, while I'm in the process of figuring it out, some things are getting bypassed.
My diet has not been good. I've gotten back into some bad habits with food; most of those are because I grab what's convenient, rather than taking the time to plan meals and shop intelligently. The medicine I've been on for PPD has exacerbated my weight gain. I've put on 20 pounds since March! I was warned that this could happen with this medication--I guess they were right. So now, we begin the process of weaning off of the meds, and of getting back into smart eating habits. A busy life is no excuse for the slow suicide of a bad diet!!!!!!!
I also need to get out more. This month (June), I am recommitting to not being a hermit. Weather permitting, I am hoping to get out and see more people in opposed to Cyberspace! I'm feeling better about going out, and about taking JD out. I feel like it's time for his little world to begin to expand!
I hope you can forgive me for hiding in my box for the past few months. No one can understand what this experience has been like for me in particular (much less, for my family), since I was first hospitalized...I'm only just now beginning to recognize the level of fear, stress, and anxiety that I have been carrying. It's slowly been falling away, and peace is being restored. My sense of adventure is being renewed, and I am excited about things to come!!  God has great plans!

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