Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Random Answers in the iPod...

David and I share an iTunes account. This has it's own pluses and minuses--this means that when I sync "all checked music" to my iPod Classic, I'm going to get his stuff mixed in with mine.
On the plus side, David has introduced me to a ton of different worship music that really blows my mind. I was raised on Maranatha and Hosanna (it had its time). He taught me Vineyard, and as I've gotten older, I've learned to love it.
On the minus side, it means I'm stuck with jazz...which I most forms.
Of course, it also means that David is stuck with my love of show tunes and rap music, so we're pretty even :)
We have a shared external hard drive that contains all of our music and movies--we're getting close to 20,000 songs, and most of those fit onto my iPod, so you can imagine when I hit "shuffle," anything can happen. I never know what I'm going to hear next. It could be a classic 80's could be Phantom of the Opera. It could be George Thoroughgood--who knows?
Sometimes, God speaks through the Randomness of The iPod. Today, a song came on that so clearly summed up how I feel about both my husband and my son; I'm going to share the lyrics, for my friends that are hanging on to hope deferred. I'd not heard it before--it's called "Answered Prayer" by Keri Noble. Hang on, my friends...hang on to your Prayers Like Hannah....He hears you.

You are the answered prayer
That I thought was never heard
But here you are in front of me
And I admit, I'm finding it hard to breathe and
I believe in answered prayer

I put away what I thought was youthful faith
 But someone must have heard my silent cry
For here you are before my eyes
And now you know that you are the reason why
I believe in answered prayer

Some may try to convince me
That this is what everyone else feels
 But I know that God and I are the only ones
Who ever heard my appeal, that's why

You are the answered prayer
That I thought was never heard
But here you are in front of me
And I admit that I'm finding it hard to breathe
And I believe in answered prayer

 You are my answered prayer

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