Okay, so in my brilliance, I undertook a 30-day Blog
I’m a new mom, who works full-time.
This was kind of a dumb idea….Or was it? I made it 21 days
out of 30, and I have to say, I was fairly consistent in my daily posting. One
of my friends told me recently that she heard a therapist say that if everyone
took some time to write every evening, there would be no need for therapists
anymore…I get it.
It’s incredibly therapeutic, when we take the time to do it.
So, this was my first Blog Challenge, and since I stopped at
Day 21, here is a brief synopsis of the remaining subjects—I’m going to try to
answer them as briefly as possible, if it’s worth answering.
22: How have you
changed in the past two years? Fatter.
Thinner. My hair is longer. Oh, and 2 years ago, I had just started a new job….and
we had found a doctor that, for once, did not tell us we were crazy for wanting
to have another baby. The past 2 years have brought me to my knees in new,
crazy ways; they’ve shown me new hope, new answers for prayer, and new ways to completely
rely on God. They’ve stretched me mentally (my job is unchartered territory for
me, and I’ve had to learn A LOT), physically (giving birth is not something my
body is particularly good at), and spiritually (I could write a book on that
one)…These past 2 years have been some of the best in my life.
23: Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who
you find attractive. I’m not
answering that one. David Cooley is not famous (yet). Any celebrity that I’ve
found attractive has tattoos, which is the only thing David is missing, but I’m
working on him. That would be super-hot (TMI, but it’s my blog).
24: Your favorite
movie and what it’s about. “The Princess Bride,” hands-down. And what’s it
about? You have to ask? "Fencing. Fighting. Torture. Poison. True love.
Hate. Revenge. Giants. Hunters. Bad men. Good men. Beautifulest ladies. Snakes.
Spiders. Beasts of all natures and descriptions. Pain. Death. Brave men. Coward
men. Strongest men. Chases. Escapes. Lies. Truths. Passion. Miracles."
25: Someone who
fascinates you, and why: I’m fascinated by Tom and Mary Helbig, and by
their family. They’re my pastors, and they’ve led such an interesting life…having
such a big family, moving places around the world, pastoring churches, music…I
really love them, and I find them all so incredible! And Corrie Ten Boom (no, she’s not on the
same page as the Helbigs; she’s in another league of her own)….I think she’s
the most amazing person who ever lived (that wasn’t Jesus or a Biblical
26: What kind of
person attracts you? David William Cooley. Loves God. Faithful. Loves me.
Loves my dog. Loves his son more than words can say. Funny. Kind. Loving.
Affectionate. Adorable. Has the most amazing shoulders I’ve ever seen, and
doesn’t have a beard. Plays guitar (not frequently enough). Gives fantastic
hugs. Steals my pillow. Did I mention, he’s faithful? ‘Cause THAT is hot.
27: A problem that
you have had: Did I mention that my husband steals my pillow? Okay, that’s
minor. My biggest problem right now is that I’m struggling with my verbal
filter. It’s vanished. I’m really struggling with keeping my temper in check,
and I’m sure that’s got to do with hormones being wonky, although we’re working
on that, and it’s gotten better in the past few weeks. Also, I really, truly
struggle with self-discipline, primarily with finances and with food—I know
this has to do with self-esteem, and though it’s better than it’s been in the
past, it’s a fight.
28: Something that
you miss: Oh, I miss my daughter. I miss my Hannah Elizabeth Gayle so
badly, it’s tangible. I thought about her this morning (I think about her every
day), how we spent those weeks in the NICU…how David held her up to the window
for a visiting class of prospective parents to see. How excited we were, how
beautiful she was…I miss her terribly. It’s a hole in my heart that is filled
with the healing balm of Jesus, but it is still a scar…I miss my princess…
29: Goals for the
next 30 days: Lose weight. I think I set that goal every month. Sigh. Here’s
to getting back on the wagon…
30: Your highs and lows
of the month:
Lows: Crashing and burning earlier this month (August) after July’s
issues caught up with me. The exhaustion was so heavy, that I finally lost it
with David, and I think we both realized that I have limits. 2 surgeries and a
(minor) car accident really set me back, and by the first week of August, I
couldn’t go any further. My family (especially David) allowed me to do some
catching up on my rest, and I’m almost back to feeling “normal.” That first week
of August, though, was terrible.
Highs: Every day with JD.
Every smile, the fact that he’s learned how to stretch his arms up when he sees
me…the hugs he’s giving, the funny “kisses” he gives…the times he chews my face…Seeing
my son sit up on his own…Coming home, or picking him up from the babysitters,
and seeing him smile when he sees me…all of the first we have together…Seeing
David with his son, and seeing them laugh together…Watching my mom enjoy her
grandson…Seeing JD reach for the dog (and the dog, in turn, sniff and walk
away)…Life as a mom. It’s beautiful, and it makes my heart explode with joy.
So, that’s it—I just crash-coursed the rest of my blog
challenge, and though I didn’t make it every single day, I’m not going to
consider it a complete fail. I think looking at the collection of blogs I
posted in keeping up with this challenge forced me to look at a few issues that
I needed to see. It also helped me to acknowledge a few people that I think
about all of the time, but rarely actually TELL them that I think about them
all of the time. It’s been fun, to do more writing and to have a topic to drive
me when I want to write but can’t think of anything to write about.
I don’t think I generated anymore readers out of this, but I
certainly had fun. I hope you did, too…and maybe, just maybe, I make a little
more sense to you now….HA!