Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 20: How Important You Think Education Is

"The More You Know, the More You Grow," isn't that the old saying?
It's true.
I believe education is critical, but not as critical as the delivery of that education. What you teach, and what you learn, is not half as important as HOW you teach, and HOW you learn. This isn't a diatribe on the educational system in our nation; rather, it's one person's thoughts on how teaching has changed.
I was educated in what was essentially a glorified homeschool. Seriously--I've been blessed to get in on the first year of two Christian schools, once as a kindergartner, and once as an eighth-grader. On the plus side, I know that everything starts somewhere. On the negative side, I was ill prepared for even a college as small as the one I chose.
I have had amazing teachers. I have had horrible teachers. I have had generations of teachers from the same family (who, incidentally, made the greatest impact).
My teachers read to us; they made us take notes. They educated us about a loving God, and they taught me things like, "never fall in love with your first draft." They gave us life lessons that I still remember, and they looked at teaching like the ministry that it is.
"How" you teach is more important than "what" you teach.
Do you know what I remember from algebra class? I remember the teacher that tutored me after school at no charge, and gave me a ride home, for an entire semester. Do I remember algebra? Heck, no. But I remember that teacher, and I remember her kindness.
I remember the Gettysburg Address.
But I also remember the teacher that read to us after every lunch period, every day, every year.
Life has taught me more than four years in college. But the things I learned in school provided a foundation that I'm thankful for--they've provided a great resource for me, and I'm glad I went.
Education is important, not necessarily for what you learn, but for the processes by which you learn it...It shapes you, and causes you to really think about why you believe what you say you believe.
I never want to stop learning, even when I'm not in a classroom. 

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