Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 13: Somewhere I'd Like to Move or Visit

Doing this blog challenge, silly though most of the topics may be, is requiring me to write every single day. Even though the subject matter is pretty fluffy, just getting into this practice again is really nice! I'm taking a Facebook/Twitter break for a few days, so this is my only outlet. Sometimes, comments or status updates from people get under my skin. I'm not going to lie--there have been a few this week that have brought out some Hulk in me. Rawr!!!  So, even though the subject matters are kinda fluffy, sitting down to write is a very therapeutic thing for me...But I digress!
Somewhere I'd like to move or visit....
My first response is always Georgia. Granted, I've barely visited the West Coast...or the East Coast...But I feel like I was born a southerner at heart. When I can't sleep, and I'm designing my dream house, it's always, always, always, always in Georgia. I can see myself in a hammock on a wrap-around porch, drinking iced tea and reading a book. I can see the sunset over the landscape, and I know that Georgia is where I'm meant to be. So, for whatever strange reason that I've never understood, it's Georgia. I'd like to live there.
As far as where I'd like to visit, that list is endless. Israel tops the list. I'd like to give Paris another try (since my first trip there SUCKED)...New York City (but only if I had a LOT of money and a bodyguard)...I'd like to go back to Guatemala and Costa Rica with my family, to show them the beautiful people and the amazing culture...
I'd like to go on missions' trips that are off of the beaten path...
Oh, and add St. John to one of those places I wouldn't mind living. If you've been there, you get it.
I want to go to the Grand Galveston, a lot of places in Canada...
I definitely want to take a train and a cruise through/over/around Alaska...
I'd love to go to Italy and Greece...and Ireland...and back to England...
This could be a pretty big list, so I'm stopping here. 
But I have to come back to Georgia...
And I have to live there...

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