Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 7: What does your horoscope say about you?

Disclaimer: I do not believe in horoscopes, and believe that the Bible counsels us as Christians to avoid them, to avoid believing in them, and to avoid seeking their counsel. I haven't looked at one in years, and I had to Google this to even answer the question. I think this is crap. And there you go.

So, here's what Google says about me:
1. I'm a "Scorpio on the cusp of a Sagittarius,"
2. I don't know what that means.
3. I'm apparently "ruled by Pluto and Jupiter, and seconded by Mars." Based on my limited knowledge of Roman and Greek Gods, Mars is a god of war; Jupiter is a huge planet; and Pluto's not even a planet anymore.....therefore, I REALLY don't know what this means.
4.  This came up: The most important lesson to be learned by Scorpio/Sagittarius natives is to be aware of the fact that their passionate nature can easily lead them into self-indulgance and/or compulsion. Since I'm a compulsive eater/shopper, they may have me on this one...
5. They also have me on this one...but someone's gonna have to push me out of the plane if I actually get the chance to go skydiving..." They are apt to prefer solitary or one-on-one sports that will stretch them to the limit…skydiving or big game fishing, for example. They are also likely to be rather lucky souls and probably enjoy gambling, while the philosophical aspect of their character denotes a fondness for drama and debate." I do like to gamble...or at least, I did on the only time I was exposed to it...which is why there will not be a second time, LOL...and I do not play well with others, for the record...

If you want to read anything else about what the skies evidently say about me, you go right ahead. Here's the link:
I'm not reading anymore, because I think this stuff is dangerous, especially for me.

I trust Jesus. He made the skies....and truthfully, I believe the atmospheres and heavens shifted during the Flood, so our current solar system view is a little off. See Bill Banks' book about the Judaic constellations for more information--it's WAY more accurate. :)
And there you go!  (Sorry--just not into the whole horoscope thing. Really makes me uncomfortable).

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