Sunday, February 12, 2017

Heaven...Just a Glimpse...

We are often told to imagine what Heaven would be like, and I think I'm guilty of missing the mark. I have always imagined the esthetics of it: lights, sounds, colors, music, instruments...the endless worship...

Usually, it's the thought of "endless worship" that both fascinates and terrifies me.
How do we DO that?!? Like, does it ever get boring?

Think about why we get bored...because we are distracted and burdened by life, because we are over-entertained, and because we have lost the ability as a society to be focused and contemplative.  We get bored because we live this life.

There is no boredom in Heaven.

So, I'm on the worship team at church, and my mind was blowing up, because as weird as it sounds,  when I am in that setting of communal worship, I see colors in my head. It's basically worship-induced synesthesia,  and it sounds NUTS, but I swear, it's the truth. I see worship in colors. I wish I could paint what roars through my head, because it's amazing, and today, it was intense. I felt like my entire being was about to explode,  but I know "it's only a shadow" of what's to come. My brain cannot wrap around that level of intensity, and neither can my body.
Worship ebbs and flows, and during an ebb, our pastor said, "Imagine what it's like, when you're not tied down to things,  like a calendar."

My heart kinda blew up (& trust me, I know how that feels, for real).

Imagine worship that is not tied down to a time frame.  It's not tied down to a Day of the Week. It's not tied down to a bladder or feet that hurt, or hands that can't play anymore. It's not tied down to a brain that doesn't focus, or musical abilities that never came (I can't play the darn piano. It's aggravating).

It's not tied down to a budget or bills or schedules or CALENDARS or parenting failures or any of the things that tie us down to this distracting, anchoring world.
We will have "no strings to hold us down."
No strings.
No limits.
No boundaries.
No deadlines.
No budgets.
No time.
No chains...we are so used to the chains of this world that we don't even realize, until we look at eternity, just how heavy and limiting they are.

No chains.
True, absolute, incomprehensible freedom....

What would we ever want to do then,  then to worship the One Who gives us that freedom, for eternity?!?

I can't imagine my life without the restrictions of physical responsibility....without bills or boundaries,  without calendars and 24-hour time blocks. Just the thought, just a glimpse of a life without these chains?
My heart...

Jesus loves us so much that He gives us an eternity of perfect freedom, with Him...
There's NOTHING "boring" about that.
