Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year's Resolution: Bah, humbug!

I don't make NYRs. They're stupid.
I MIGHT be opinionated.
Anyways, I just think they're a ridiculous bar to set. You make the resolution to improve your current situation, you mess it up, and then you feel worse than you did before--because you've not only done what you said you wouldn't do, you've broken a promise to add to the mess.
So, no NYRs for me.
But this year...
This year, I am setting goals.
Goal #1 (most important): Be thankful, regardless of what comes my way. However I have to "spin" it (and I realize, it's actually not "spinning;" rather, it's looking to God to be thankful that at least HE knows what He's doing, and being, at the very least, thankful for that).
Goal #2: Use coupons. I'm great at using them in the office; not so much, at home.
Goal #3: Physical activity 5 days/week. That's 3 days in the gym, and 2 days of SOMETHING that's 20 minutes.
Goal #4: PAY OFF THE CREDIT CARDS THIS YEAR, and be DONE with it, no matter what. This means NO BUYING.

Today, Goal #1 was easy. David and I had a fun day together, church was awesome, and we were bright-eyed and ready for whatever. Days like today, it's easy to be thankful.
Goal #2: Left coupon book at home. Fail.
Goal #3: We went roller skating for 2 hours. Win!
Goal #4: NOT FUN ANYMORE. The first week, I did really good-I ignored all of the after-Christmas sales. Today, though, a REALLY good sale ad came through AND I PASSED UP THE MOST GORGEOUS FULL-LENGTH RED WOOL COAT I HAVE EVER SEEN at the Goodwill on Baptist Church Road for $30!!! AARRGGHHHH!!! I REALLY WANTED IT!!! I asked David; he said no. I attempted negotiations; he declined. I said I'd clear out 3 of my older coats to make room; it didn't work. I put it down, and walked out of the store very meekly. (SOMEONE, PLEASE GO BUY THAT COAT! YOU WILL LOVE IT, AND I WILL BE HAPPY THAT AT LEAST SOMEONE I KNOW GOT A GOOD DEAL! It's a size 14-16-ish, and it only had one tiny flaw--get the coat!). So, yes, I submitted to my hubby.
No, it wasn't fun.
And this is why I don't make New Year's Resolutions.
(Yes, I am thankful I didn't buy that coat. Because now I have posted it on my blog, and hopefully, one of you will see it, and will go get it for yourself. You're supposed to see this. Go get the coat. I am thankful that you read this).
I'm going to bed now :)

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